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Simple, free and fast URL shortener
FreeURLShortener allows to shorten long links from Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Linked In, WhatsApp, TikTok, blogs and sites for free without any registration. Just paste the long URL and click the Shorten button. Copy the shortened URL and share it on sites, chat and emails. After shortening the URL, check how many clicks it received(preminum account only).
Shorten, share and track
Your shortened URLs can be used in publications, documents, advertisements, blogs, forums, instant messages, and other locations. Track statistics for your business and projects by monitoring the number of hits from your URL with our click counter(premium account only).
Our URL shortner is totally free to use. Just paste, and get short URL instantly
No register required, easy to use, paste and copy
It is fast and secure, our service has HTTPS protocol and data encryption.
No Expire
The generated short URL will have no expiration and will remain valid indefinitely
High Availability
We adopt distributed system to ensure the high availability of the system
Fast Speed
We implement CDN (Content Delivery Network) to guarantee high-speed service
Q & A
Why can we provide URL shortening service for free?
We provide our service for free because we anticipate relying on advertising for future revenue instead of charging users directly. Our goal is to offer a high-quality service without cost to users, implementing this free policy now as we aim to sustain our platform through advertising in the future.